Monday, March 14, 2011

Pages 141-143

Fischer moved to Chicago after closing his office in Belmont, selling by the way his house in Arlington. In his first year, he had no teaching responsibilities continuing his consulting projects for Wells Fargo.

He would spend the rest of the time on intellectual projects that interested him: he would soon become a regular presence at the weekly workshop stimulating intellectual life at Chicago.

He was committed through making casual comments and remarks on other people works. One day, he presented his criticism on econometric practices, provoking the audience in order to learn more from them.

1 comment:

  1. A for Neo.

    Again, Black sounds like a pompous jerk. Merton Miller noted that Black chose to live in "The heart of WASP America." But this is the America that Black came from: remember back to the early chapters — striving, bourgeois relatives, a country club lifestyle in Westchester County, private high school, Harvard. This is very different from the typical person who ended up at the University of Chicago (I know a guy who's father lived in the library for two semesters because he couldn't afford a room).


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